Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Forex market

لمشاهدة الفديو 

operations in the Forex market is the US dollar (USED) the base currency of the European and Euro (EUR) and British pound (GAP) and Swiss franc (VHF) and Japanese yen (JAY), Australian dollar ( LAUD), Canadian dollar CAD)) and other Arab and foreign currencies.
Economists consider that the currency markets are unusual markets created by the technical and facilitated the spread in recent times, and influenced the Forex market the technology, this market was able to attract large groups of investors over the past years thanks to the proliferation of technology and means of communication. [3]
Unlike several markets spread in the market, the currency market is not an elitist market fluent deal with only a few people, but not of economic interest in the media coverage of Forex trading activities to make this market away from the public. Even people who do not have experience in dealing with the Internet and computers, can trade through phone calls to brokerage firms and expected to accept a large segment of young Saudis and the Gulf to trade currencies in the coming periods. [4]
Some scholars say that the Forex market dates back to the Babylonians in terms of foundations and principles. In those times, traders would exchange their goods in exchange for materials Okhry.obsbb the absence of a central location and the involvement of governments which significantly expand the market, which contributed to the US economic crisis in twenty and thirty years of the twentieth century.
In these years (in 1929 precisely), and despite the passage of so many years (almost 300 years) exchange markets still does not mean much when some individuals in the world.
Stock markets exist in all countries of the world, and each exchange of specialization and scope. In addition to the currency market there are other types of exchanges, such as metals, "COMEX" and "Nymex", energy exchanges, exchanges of capital markets or stocks Aowalsndhat debt markets, commodity markets, including oranges, pigs, eggs, cereals, sugar, coffee juice.
There are two types of exchanges: Exchange direct exchanges exchanges exchanges exchanges across communication networks Over the counter (OTC) [5]
Forex tracking stock exchanges exchanges across the contact Over networks the counter (OTC) are markets where buying and selling goods without having a central place specified but are buying and selling between the companies, banks and individuals operations through communication and computer networks (via contact teleconference and the Internet computer at a time one among hundreds of banks around the world). That is why the magnitude of the currency market, there are hundreds of millions of dollars are sold and purchased every few seconds. Currency and stock markets are also characterized by various indicators and technical analysis and news analysis and rapid access to the profits.
Although some analysts are divided. Some just look at the risks and others perceived benefits, but soon the currency trading market found its way along with other investment channels of money and metals, real estate and commodities futures and 

Is oil will be able to recovery

In addition, the expected decline in demand for energy, as well as fears of a possible recession, pushing prices towards the level of $ 75 in September of that year, but it loses 34% of its value. Then shift the geopolitical landscape again.
Iran, driven Bgilla of sanctions against nuclear Touhadtha, spooked investors who thought that the Persian regime may close the Strait of Hormuz, which could cause a global shortage of energy. This fear has led to a rise in oil prices to $ 110 a barrel in March 2012 or up to more than 47% compared with the lows in September.
More recently, specifically a year and a half ago, to increase production in the United States accompanied by a decline in global demand led to a surplus in supply, which is currently suffering from it. Oil fell from the highest price on July 14 at $ 106 for up to 43 dollars a barrel on January 15.
But oil as oil, the volatility in the markets have been useful for those who are prepared to pick up the knife. Federal Reserve Board's decision not to raise interest rates too quickly, along with the slowdown in the production of US shale drilling operations and violence in Yemen, led to the rise in oil prices once again, to $ 62 in May 2015, with gains of 43% from the lowest point It arrived during the concerns of oversupply.
It is clear that there is a trend here. First, it should be recognized that the sudden changes in geopolitical conditions affecting the prices of basic goods, but nevertheless the goods, in this case oil, has the tendency is clear and Sticky recovery.
Since the eighties of the last century until now, it whenever flooded Saudi Arabia, the oil market - which largely resembles what they are doing today - it is at the same time reduces the desert kingdom of its production of oil at the time, which contributes OPEC members with some reduction in production as a means of pushing up prices to show control of the oil markets.
But the current scene in the oil market has pushed the largest oil exporter in the world to keep pumping activity at record levels, in order to expel the young players in the market such as the exploration of shale oil in the United States and Canada at the same time grab additional market share.
It seems that Iran's intentions similar. After suffering for several years of sanctions, the Dhahran keen to increase production even export levels return to levels close to their levels prior to the imposition of sanctions. It means that there are another million barrels per day of Iranian oil would sink the market, which is undergoing surplus in supply effectively.
It seems as if prices in the race to the bottom in a way we have not seen before, a race both the Saudis and the Americans and the Iranians thought they would win it. So the question is who will be the first to break the pain of low prices?
For investors, it may be the most important question. How much time will pass even reverse the trend, and until the oil begins to recover?
Is oil recovery will be able to (or that this time in a different reality)?

Or that these women in a different reality

A famous for measuring the market timing methods are similar to the following: You should never try to catch a knife during the fall. When it comes to the price of oil, anyway, maybe there should be different methods of measurement. What if you already know that there is a historical pattern: the knife is always located, bumping the ground, and then jumps back to the handle of the hand instead of the point of the knife blade? What do you do then?
The price of oil is still a knife, of course, is still a threat, but a far cry from the idea that falling knife. At today's prices, the oil appears like a knife so committed. In fact, historically, when crude oil drops significantly, it is always able to rise from the ashes. For those who have the courage to buy at the bottom, there are big profits can be achieved in the end.
Given the past ten years, we have seen some ups and downs in oil prices. While today's prices are considered the lowest level in the past decade, down 75% since the summer of 2014, this is not the biggest decline, down uninterrupted during this time frame.
In fact, that "the greatest honor of landing" afford goods declines over the six months that we have seen between July 2008 and January 2009. The price of oil in that period fell by up to 78%, from 147 dollars to 32 dollars a barrel.
Chronologically, the first serious drop in prices has occurred over the past decade between July 2006 and January 2007. During the summer of 2006, and oil prices have reached US $ 78 a barrel after the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah on Israel's northern border from among a host of other events.
Then prices began to decline after that, partly as a result of the hurricane season in the fall of 2006 - is usually the evacuation of oil rigs in those times in order to preserve the safety of workers, and thus lead to a decline in supply and rising prices - but this increase was relatively moderate. Therefore, production continued without interruption, resulting in a drop in oil prices, which had already been absorbed into the effects of the hurricane season.
By January 2007 was the sale of a barrel of oil for $ 50 only, which is a significant decline of 36.35%. Some readers may remember what happened after that: after six months of decline, during the month of July 2007, oil prices have returned to the same as the previous year's prices at $ 78 a barrel. This rise was supported by strong demand in Asia, and benefited from investors that returns exceeded 56% during the year and a half.
The other crash happened in oil prices this decade during the second half of 2008. The strong Asian demand, as well as new funds from investors who are exploring the commodity sector, it jumped oil to an unknown destination, to achieve the highest price has historically been at $ 147 a barrel.
Shortly thereafter, the global economic and financial crisis pushed both the financial world and the oil to kneel, as oil prices fell strongly to reach $ 32 a barrel during the month of January 2009, what constitutes a negative decline of -78%. Pessimists predicted end of the world at that time, but the reward of the share of optimists intelligent.
Oil prices rose to $ 73 in June 2009, or the equivalent of 126% more than its price six months ago. Many in the market believe this strange height (and difficult interpretation) as a direct result of the first quantitative easing from the Federal Reserve.